10 Miracle Jagannath Temple

10  Miracle Jagannath Temple

10  Miracle Jagannath Temple

It is believed that when Lord Vishnu goes on his pilgrimage to all the four dhams, then he bathes in his abode Badrinath on the high peaks of the Himalayas. Dresses in Dwarka, Gujarat in the west. Eat in Puri and rest in Rameswaram in the south. After Dwapar, Lord Krishna began to reside in Puri and became Jaganath, the Jaganath. Jagannath Dham of Puri is one of the four dhams. Here Lord Jagannath sits with elder brother Balabhadra and sister Subhadra.

Puri is situated on the sea coast of the state of Orissa in the ancient and holy 7 cities of Hindus. The Jagannath temple is dedicated to Shri Krishna, the 8th incarnation of Vishnu. Puri, a holy city situated on the eastern end of the Bay of Bengal in the east of India, is a short distance from Bhubaneswar, the capital of Orissa. Today's Orissa was known as Utkal Pradesh in ancient times. There were rich ports of the country, where Java, Sumatra, Indonesia, Thailand and many other countries traded through these ports.

In the Puranas, it has been called Vaikuntha of the earth. It is one of the four dhams of Lord Vishnu. It is also called Srikshetra, Sripurushottam Kshetra, Shak Kshetra, Nilanchal, Nilgiri and Sri Jagannath Puri. Here Laxmipati Vishnu performed different types of leelas. According to the Brahma and Skanda Puranas, Lord Vishnu came here as Purushottam Nilamadhava and became the supreme deity of the Sabar tribe. Being the deity of the Sabar tribe, Lord Jagannath's form here is like tribal gods. The first clan people idolized their gods

According to the Puranas, Purushottam Hari is worshiped in Nilgiri. Purushottam Hari is considered here as the form of Lord Rama. The oldest Matsya Purana states that the Goddess of Purushottam region is Vimala and she is worshiped here. According to Uttarakhand of Ramayana, Lord Rama asked Ravana's brother Vibhishana to worship Lord Jagannath, the total deity of his Ikshvaku dynasty. Even today, the tradition of Vibhishan Vandapana continues in the Shri temple of Puri.

The geographical description of Puri Dham is found in Skanda Purana. According to Skanda Purana, Puri is like a southern conch and it is spread over an area of ​​5 kos i.e. 16 km. About 2 Kos area is believed to have sunk in the Bay of Bengal. Its stomach is the golden sand of the sea, which is washed by the holy water of Mahomedhi. The head area is in the west direction, which Mahadev protects. The second form of Shiva in the second circle of the conch is Brahma Kapala redemption. It is believed that a head of Lord Brahma sticks to the palm of Mahadev.


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